Sunday, June 8, 2014

Blog Post 1: Technology Strengths and Weakness

ISTE has developed a set of technology standards for students and for teachers. After reviewing the standards for teachers I have made the following assessment in regards to my strengths and weaknesses with using technology. In the area of encouraging students to become more creative and promoting learning the teacher is required to model 21st century skills such as collaboration, innovation, and critical thinking. I assess my ability in this area as strong. I believe it is so important for students to have a real purpose for the learning and work they complete at school. This is an important role for a teacher to show students how the learning is purposeful. This purposeful learning begins in designing these learning experiences appropriately making sure they are relevant to today. The second standard describes how teachers are to develop these learning plans and to include an evaluation tool to insure ongoing improvement. In this area I feel fairly strong about designing experiences, but in the area of evaluating the experiences I feel I need improvement. Asking the right questions and using the best digital tool for evaluating the experience is an area of weakness for me. The third standard for teachers involves demonstrating knowledge and skills in the use of a variety of technology as well as 21st century skills and exhibiting these skills to the school community. As a technology coordinator at my school I feel confident in this area. Providing professional development for teachers is one of my responsibilities. Standard four is about teaching digital citizenship. With so much access to information and content it is important for students to be taught how to respect the laws protecting digital content. Teachers have to first be informed in these laws and in ethical use of digital tools. This standard also includes making sure that students have equal access to digital tools.  I feel I have a pretty good understanding about digital citizenship, but I do not feel confident in teaching others yet about all that being a good digital citizen involves. There are so many areas where wide spread misuse is common practice and undoing these practices requires a good plan for what they should do instead. I need further study and instruction in this area to be more confident in teaching about digital citizenship. The fifth standard involves personal learning and growth through professional development experiences. Teachers are to be life long learners and should always be seeking out ways to grow and learn.  In this area I consider myself to be strong. Just by participating in this program I exhibit the desire to grow. At the school I work at I am blessed with numerous opportunities to attend conferences that helps me learn about the latest technology trends. One of these conferences is ISTE’s annual conference.
In summary my strengths are in the knowledge and use as well as the modeling and leadership of technology. My weakness is in the area of evaluation and digital citizenship. My plan is to use my knowledge to teach others, teachers and students alike. Promoting the learning experiences that include creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication. As for the weaknesses I will research best practices for teaching digital citizenship to feel confident in sharing that with students and teachers. I plan to also research evaluation tools and questions that are commonly asked when evaluating student learning. I will explore what data I need to collect that will show improvement or the lack there of. I would like to learn these thinks in order to improve instructional design strategies.

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